Sunday, October 08, 2006

France - September 2006

On the 1st September Sue and I set off for France with the caravan. This was the first time we had used Brittany Ferries - Poole to Cherbourg - we enjoyed our trip and would recommend them. Our first caravan site was only 5 miles from Cherbourg so our first days travelling totalled about 20 miles.
Below is a photo of Barfleur a picturesque fishing port close to Cherbourg. I'm sure it would look better on a sunny day.

This year we wanted to continue our tour of the D-Day beaches. Here I am at Utah Beach where the Americans came ashore.
We went around the museum and I was very impressed with the diaoramas which showed the assault on the beaches. I hadn't realised that many of the American parachutists drowned, as they landed, in the marshes which the Germans had flooded.

Here is Sue at the entrance to the museum in Ste-Mere-Eglise. The parachutist hanging from the spire can just be seen.

The parachutist on D-Day was stuck on the spire for 2 hours and played dead because there was a German sniper using the spire as a vantage point.


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