Saturday, October 07, 2006

Holiday Ending

Trompe L'Oeil - this we found in the back streets of les Sables-d'Olonne. It covered the whole side of the house and went around the corner!

An explanation - Trompe L'Oeil...the name given to the style of painting
which achieves the sense of being three dimensional. In other words the
painted object is suppose to "trick" the viewer into believing the object
is actually real. From the french word Trompe L'Oeil,
pronounced "trum ploy" its meaning translates "to deceive the eye",
literally "to trick the eye" or "to fool the eye".

On our return to Cherbourg we stayed at Haliotis where we had stayed the year before. We had another visit to Mont-Saint-Michel, but didn't go in.

A view of Cherbourg from the Barfleur. Our car and caravan can be seen in the bottom left hand corner.

The raiding party didn't materialise.

Throughout the holiday there was a photo competition going on. The competition winners will be announced in November along with all the photos.

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